Welcome to PLATOsim’s Numeric Imaging toolkit Utilising Multi-disciplinary (PLATOnium) simulations! In short, PLATOnium is a Python wrapper around PlatoSim and thus takes advantages of all the utilities and scripts that continuously are being developed for PlatoSim. This toolkit can speed up the (often) lengthly procedure of generating multi-camera simulations in a highly realistic manner, as illustration with the single-camera, multi-quarter light curve below (from the PlatoSim paper). PLATOnium was initially developed in order to bridge the payload development activities with the (core and complementary) science activities of the PLATO mission.

Acronym fun fact
Platonium, named after the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato, is a hypothetical element with atomic number of 1030. Like all elements after lead (excluding stable isotopium), Platonium (Pto) has no stable isotopes, but its most stable isotope is supposedly 2576Pto.