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The structure of this monorepo

Currently, the structure starts with two main folders in the root, i.e. libs and projects. Where libs contains library type packages like common modules, small generic gui and tui functions, reference frames, ... and projects contain packages that build upon these libraries and can be device drivers or stand-alone applications.

There is one package that I think doesn't fit into this picture, that is cgse-core. This is not a library, but a – collection of – service(s). So, we might want to add a third top-level folder services but I also fear that this again more complicates the monorepo.

Anyway, the overall structure of the monorepo is depicted below:

│── pyproject.toml
├── libs/
│   ├── cgse-common/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   ├── tests/
│   │   └── pyproject.toml
│   ├── cgse-core/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   ├── tests/
│   │   └── pyproject.toml
│   ├── cgse-coordinates/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   ├── tests/
│   │   └── pyproject.toml
│   └── cgse-gui/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   ├── tests/
│   │   └── pyproject.toml
└── projects/
    ├── generic/
    │   ├── cgse-tools/
    │   ├── keithley-tempcontrol/
    │   └── symetrie-hexapod/
    └── plato/
        ├── plato-spw/
        ├── plato-fits/
        └── plato-hdf5/

We will discuss the structure of individual packages in a later section, for now let's look at the root of the monorepo. The root also contains a pyproject.toml file although this is not a package that will be build and published. The purpose of this root pyproject.toml file is to define properties that are used to build the full repo or any individual package in it. In the root folder we will also put some maintenance/management scripts to help you maintain and bump versions of the projects, build and publish all projects, create and maintain a changelog etc.

Package Structure

We try to keep the package structure as standard as possible and consistent over the whole monorepo. The structure currently is as follows (example from cgse-common):

├── pyproject.toml
├── src/
│   └── egse/  # namespace, i.e. there shall not be a in this folder
│       ├── modules (*.py)
│       └── <sub-packages>/  # these do contain a
└── tests/
    ├── data
    └── pytest modules (test_*.py)

Note that each library or project is a standalone Python package with its own pyproject.toml file, source code and unit tests.

Package versions

All packages in the monorepo will have the same version. This can be maintained with the script. This script will read the version from the pyproject.toml file at the root of the monorepo and propagate the version to all libs and projects in the monorepo. Note that you –for now– will have to update the version number in the pyproject.toml file located at the monorepo root folder manually.

The egse namespace

You might have notices that all packages in this monorepo have a src/egse folder in which they maintain their source code, preferably in a sub-package. Note that the egse folder is not a normal Python package but a namespace. There are two important facts you need to remember about namespaces:

  1. A namespace package does not contain an module, never, in any of the packages in this or any other repo. If you place an module in one of your egse package folders, you will break the namespace and therefore also the external contributions in plugins etc.
  2. A namespace package is spread out over several directories that can reside in different packages as distributed by PyPI.

egse versus cgse

Why is there sometimes egse and sometimes cgse used in documentation, folder names etc.? The acronym EGSE stands for Electric Ground Support Equipment and the CGSE stands for Common-EGSE. So, the latter, CGSE, is what we use for the project name, to emphasise its common purpose as a framework for testing instrumentation and for external packages and device drivers to emphasise that they are intended to be common and work well with the CGSE framework. The egse is what the software is about, the electric ground support equipment, and therefore we use this for the namespace, i.e. the root of the library and projects. Using egse as the namespace also avoid any conflicts with the cgse monorepo name.