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Building the documentation

  • Make sure you are in a virtual environment with Python 3.9+ or use the uv commands as demonstrated below.
  • Run the mkdocs serve from the project root older
  • Create new pages by adding folder and Markdown files inside docs/*

Set up your environment

The pyproject.toml file of the cgse root contains additional dependencies for running the mkdocs commands. When working on the documentation, make sure you have installed the 'docs' dependency group. Currently, only mkdocs and mkdocs-material are needed. You can use the following command to add the documentation dependencies to your development environment.

$ cd ~/github/cgse
$ uv sync --all-packages --all-groups

Now you can start the live-reload server of mkdocs. This will recreate the documentation whenever you make a change in the files below the docs folder. After starting this command, navigate to the site in your favorite browser.

$ uv run mkdocs serve

Now you can update files, create new folders in docs/*, create new Markdown files and all changes will be reloaded live in the browser.

When you are ready with updating, you will need to build the site and publish it on GitHub pages:

$ uv run mkdocs build
$ uv run mkdocs gh-deploy -r upstream -m "documentation update on .."


  • mkdocs serve — start the live-reloading docs server
  • mkdocs build — build the documentation site
  • mkdocs deploy — publish your documentation on GitHub pages
  • mkdocs -h — print a help message for more options

Project layout

The documentation pages follow more or less the structure of the code in terms of libs and projects. Below I have laid out this structure leaving out less important files and folders.

mkdocs.yml         # the mkdocs configuration file
├──       # the documentation homepage
├── dev_guide/
├── user_guide/
├── libs
│   ├── cgse-common/
│   ├── cgse-coordinates/
│   ├── cgse-core/
│   ├── cgse-gui/
│   └──
├── projects/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── images/